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A place to bunk!!!

A place to bunk!!!

When the body wears down due to the serious stress and effort put into college, we just know for a fact that the soul needs rejuvenation of some kind. This can be pinned down to the very fact that colleges in the city tend to kick in some time around mid semester providing us, the student mass, with an extremely difficult task to cope up with our academics.

At such a time, all but a few tend to break down and give in to most primal of human desires, that is bunking lectures and spending more time at one's favorite chill out spots. Yes, bunking lectures is a primal need, every man, woman and "nerd" needs to fulfill in order to be sane and not be driven to the absolute edge of insanity. Skipping lectures too proves to be of great use considering that the majority of the work done by the students is during these few previous hours. Many may argue otherwise, but this is believed to be more of a fact than a myth.

Some of my favorite spots around my college includes places like Janata, Candies, S2, and so on. Out of which, Candies is vastly believed to be the most desired place to be for every student who has never been there. The music, the food, the ambience, they all seem to fit in perfectly providing a great resting place for all lost souls. This will seem no surprise, as the multi-storied haven has all the amenities one craves for at home and otherwise also. Spending time over here makes one forget the struggles in college life. All you need is a glass of iced tea with some your friends and you are all set.

A place to bunk!!! A place to bunk!!! Reviewed by Unknown on September 26, 2011 Rating: 5

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